The Lucky Rock’s Transcript of the Trump-Abe Golf Outing

After a groundbreaking interview with President Donald Trump earlier this year, The Lucky Rock traveled with the president during his round of golf with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. As the president heaped praise upon himself and railed against his opponents, we donned a Montgomery Burns mask and posed as Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. We then […]

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George R.R. Martin Blames ‘Wine and Whores’ for Game of Thrones Typos

HBO’s acclaimed Game of Thrones may have ended in controversy, but according to eagle-eyed observers, the careless gaffes of the final season were merely the tip of the iceberg. Hiding in plain sight, the franchise suffered from blatant, uncorrected typos that remained throughout the entire run of the series. “There were a million spelling errors”, […]

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Seattle Sneeze to Play in Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Cold Formula Park

Step one: obtain an NHL franchise. Step two: select an exciting name to energize fans, sell merchandise and begin the marketing process. After years of frustrating area politics, the Seattle Sneeze have made impressive progress toward being ready for the 2021-22 NHL campaign. The one purported certainty — the remodel of Key Arena — has […]

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Alabama State Legislature Passes Measure Protecting the Unejaculated

After passing the nation’s most extreme anti-abortion law, the Alabama legislature doubled down on Wednesday, outlawing ‘fun’ sex. Per the new law, the release of spermatozoa without the intent to conceive will be a Class C felony, punishable by five years in prison. The bill was signed into law by Governor Kay Ivey and went […]

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NASA Chief Makes Ass of Himself During Uranus Presentation

Last week, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration hosted a symposium to discuss upcoming planned space missions. Just after lunch, the event was repeatedly interrupted by what one witness termed “juvenile” behavior exhibited by Administrator Jim Bridenstine. According to multiple sources, Bridenstine giggled, made fart noises, and yelled inappropriate comments whenever Dr. Shahid Aslam uttered the […]

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