Feminist Gloria Steinem Proposes New Law Separating ‘Men’ from Women

Noted feminist Gloria Steinem spoke to a women’s group on Wednesday with the #MeToo movement clearly on her mind. Claiming the word ‘women’ suggests toxic male dominance, Steinem proposed congressional action to officially desexualize the word. “Why do we need men in our noun?” she asked a crowd of over 200 people, headlined by U.S. […]

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Scientists Discover New Subhuman Species: Homo Mitchis McConnell

In a cruel twist of evolution, scientists have discovered a subhuman species that evolved within the past century.  The University of Kentucky team credited with the find have dubbed the new species Homo Mitchis McConnell. “Mitchis McConnell — ‘Mitch’ for short — is like nothing we’ve seen before,” said lead paleoanthropologist Andrew Dean. “While all […]

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Hurricane Cap’n Crunch? Weather Service to Sell Storm Sponsorships

Coming to your local weather report: Hurricane Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch? Over the weekend, the National Weather Service announced the retirement of its existing hurricane nomenclature system. Starting next year, a pilot program will allow storms to be sponsored by product advertisers. Although details are yet to be finalized, businesses will acquire sponsorships through a […]

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