Trump Threatens to Lose Election if People Don’t Start Liking Him

After beseeching suburban women to like him, Donald Trump went a step further on Sunday, threatening to lose the election if more people don’t follow suit. “I’ll do it,” vowed the president to thousands of rallygoers in Muskegon, Michigan. “I’ll lose this damn election right now if millions of people all across this shithole country […]

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Covid-19 Jumps Species, Infects Trump Adviser Stephen Miller

Underscoring the challenges scientists face in developing a vaccine against Covid-19, the virus has reportedly jumped species again, this time infecting White House policy adviser Stephen Miller. It's jumped species. — The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) October 6, 2020 “As I’ve been saying for many months, this virus is remarkably resilient,” said a visibly frustrated Anthony […]

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Trump Administration to Rename Electoral College ‘Trump University’

With polls showing Donald Trump losing to Joe Biden both nationally and in key swing states, the president is clearly desperate to change voter perceptions. According to Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, that can be accomplished by the stroke of a presidential pen. Wednesday afternoon, paperwork was filed to officially rename the Electoral College ‘Trump University’. […]

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Trump Calls for ‘Big, Beautiful Bankruptcy’ to Eliminate the National Debt

During a rambling interview with Sean Hannity last week, President Trump previewed his economic plan for the coming year. While blaming Barack Obama for the worsening national debt, the president vowed he would tackle a problem that he claimed should have been solved years ago. Trump then spent spent twenty minutes talking about chocolate cake, […]

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Joe Biden: ‘I Will Slather Myself in Obama if You Make Me Your President’

Day two of the Democratic debates saw a feisty Joe Biden work to overcome his lackluster performance from the previous debate. Not only did mention Barack Obama at every turn, but Biden went a step further by promising to ‘slather’ himself in the former president from this point forward. “Look, I know everyone here would […]

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