Devin Nunes’ Cow Calls the GOP Congressman a ‘Gullibull Nincowpoop’

Reacting to a lawsuit filed against her by her owner, Devin Nunes’ cow had harsh words for the longtime GOP congressman. “It’s a bunch of us shit!” spat Winnie the Moo, a 1,300-pound dairy cow on Nunes’ Iowa farm. “Bullshit, horse shit, dog shit, whatever you want to call it. I speak for the entire […]

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God Appears as a Giant Smokestack to Vent About Climate Change

Over the weekend, Almighty God materialized as a giant smokestack to vent about America’s inability to confront the challenges of climate change. A placid Trussville, Alabama Taco Bell was in the middle of the lunch rush when a thunderous ripping sound pierced the air. As staff and patrons screamed, a huge smokestack emerged from the […]

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