Former Trump Pseudonyms to Publish ‘October Surprise’ Tell-All Book

In what promises to shake the presidential race to its foundation, three former Donald Trump pseudonyms will soon release a no-holds-barred book about the president. “It’s going to be a beautiful thing, maybe the greatest book written since the Bible,” offered pseudonym David Barron.  “The three of us have worked together for decades and know […]

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President Trump Insists ‘Imcheapment’ Is a Congressional Fiscal Award

At a campaign rally following his historic impeachment, President Trump flipped the script on his Democratic foes, claiming he had actually won a prestigious award. “I’ve been imcheaped!” bellowed the president to an adoring crowd of over 5,400 fans at the Kellogg Arena in Battle Creek, Michigan. “Can you believe that? People are saying I’m […]

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Rudy Giuliani Named People Magazine’s ‘Sexiest Crazy SOB Alive’

Shortly after naming John Legend “Sexiest Man Alive”, People Magazine gave Rudy Giuliani its coveted “Sexiest Crazy SOB Alive” designation for 2019. “Mayor Giuliani richly deserves this honor,” lavished Editor-in-Chief Dan Wakeford. “This is the first year we’ve issued this award, and frankly, he’ll probably win it again next year. And the year after that, […]

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God Addresses Nation as Trump Baby Blimp to Rail Against Corruption

Minutes before President Trump was scheduled to address the nation to air his grievances over the Democratic impeachment efforts, Almighty God performed a switcheroo miracle, zapping Trump into limbo and replacing him with the Trump baby blimp. He then faced the camera to warn Americans about widespread political corruption. Trump disappears As the countdown to […]

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AG Barr Launches Investigation of Investigation of Russia Investigation

Having launched an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe, William Barr has ordered a new investigation — into that investigation. “We must investigate the investigation of the Russia investigation,” announced the Attorney General in a prepared statement. “As we aren’t certain of its true purpose, I suggest a full review is in order.” Barr […]

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