If Re-Elected, Trump Promises to Govern From White House Bunker

During Thursday’s presidential debate, Donald Trump and Joe Biden traded blows over a contentious ninety minutes. Arguably the most controversial moment came after Biden hammered Trump about his frequent trips to Mar-a-Lago, the president’s self-proclaimed ‘Southern White House’. On his heels from the forcefulness of Biden’s attack, Trump blurted out a series of two-word invectives, […]

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Source: Emotional Trump Begs Kim Jong Un Not to End Affair

Following a torrid 15-month affair, President Trump called Kim Jong Un over the weekend, pleading with the North Korean leader not to end their relationship. “It was embarrassing,” confessed an unnamed White House source. “Donald was, how you say, crying throughout phone call. I kept saying ‘Donald, you’re making a fool of yourself, be best’.” […]

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Vindman: Trump Obsessed With Dong During US-North Korea Summit

In addition to corroborating President Trump’s Ukraine extortion scheme, Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman’s impeachment inquiry testimony shed light on the failed US-North Korea summit in Hanoi last February. According to Vindman, Trump spent the entire time making inappropriate comments about the dong — Vietnam’s official currency. Vietnam is thriving like few places on earth. North […]

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Vice President Pence Calls for ‘Dotard’ Trump’s Impeachment

Following a wild week that included Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s stinging press conference, presidential attorney John Dowd’s incriminating transcripts, a new trade war and Donald Trump’s announced re-election kickoff, Vice President Mike Pence clearly had heard enough. In a stunning USA Today interview, Pence joined the growing list of members of Congress calling for the president’s […]

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The Lucky Rock’s Transcript of the Trump-Abe Golf Outing

After a groundbreaking interview with President Donald Trump earlier this year, The Lucky Rock traveled with the president during his round of golf with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. As the president heaped praise upon himself and railed against his opponents, we donned a Montgomery Burns mask and posed as Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. We then […]

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