Source: Emotional Trump Begs Kim Jong Un Not to End Affair

Following a torrid 15-month affair, President Trump called Kim Jong Un over the weekend, pleading with the North Korean leader not to end their relationship. “It was embarrassing,” confessed an unnamed White House source. “Donald was, how you say, crying throughout phone call. I kept saying ‘Donald, you’re making a fool of yourself, be best’.” […]

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Review: ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Shoots Blanks As a Modern Romantic Comedy

Money. Power. Red hair. Graying beards. With those as bullet points, you’d be forgiven for fondly recalling Garry Marshall’s smash 1990 hit Pretty Woman. Sadly, the bullets in director Kathryn Bigelow’s (The Hurt Locker) grim Zero Dark Thirty are all too real, snuffing out any chance the film has of becoming a classic romantic comedy. It’s a tactical misfire, […]

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