Florida Celebrates Diversity by Changing Nickname to ‘America’s Wang’

In a nod to protesters demanding an end to racial inequity, Florida took a major step forward over the weekend. Following a spirited debate, the state’s legislature passed a resolution changing its nickname from ‘The Sunshine State‘ to ‘America’s Wang’. “With this historic vote, we have finally tackled the most pressing social injustice of our […]

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Vowing to Stop Bernie Sanders, Rachel Maddow Joins Fox News

On Tuesday, longtime cable news host Rachel Maddow stunned her millions of fans by revealing she was leaving MSNBC for rival Fox News. Maddow will make the switch on April 1st with the debut of her new show Maddog Maddow. “After eleven pretty good years, I’ve decided it’s time to move on to greener pastures,” […]

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Trump Calls for ‘Big, Beautiful Bankruptcy’ to Eliminate the National Debt

During a rambling interview with Sean Hannity last week, President Trump previewed his economic plan for the coming year. While blaming Barack Obama for the worsening national debt, the president vowed he would tackle a problem that he claimed should have been solved years ago. Trump then spent spent twenty minutes talking about chocolate cake, […]

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Source: Emotional Trump Begs Kim Jong Un Not to End Affair

Following a torrid 15-month affair, President Trump called Kim Jong Un over the weekend, pleading with the North Korean leader not to end their relationship. “It was embarrassing,” confessed an unnamed White House source. “Donald was, how you say, crying throughout phone call. I kept saying ‘Donald, you’re making a fool of yourself, be best’.” […]

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Trump Offers New Slogan to Pelosi: “Build the Fence & I’ll Dump Mike Pence”

Seeing his new slogan “BUILD THE WALL AND CRIME WILL FALL!” hilariously mocked on Twitter, President Trump turned to bargaining on the eve of negotiations with Nancy Pelosi over a new Continuing Resolution. BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 23, 2019 “After a long nap and a gallon […]

Read More Trump Offers New Slogan to Pelosi: “Build the Fence & I’ll Dump Mike Pence”

Trump Accuses Democratic Leadership of Racism Against Poles

President Trump made headlines over the past few days after venturing to Iraq to visit U.S. troops and potentially endangering Seal Team 5 in the process. Following his return, Trump’s erratic behavior continued to heat up. Shortly after his visit to Al-Asad Air Base, Donald Trump leveled blistering charges of alleged racism displayed by Chuck […]

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