CDC Adds Star Wars Costumes to List of Approved Coronavirus Defenses

Social distancing, hand washing, face coverings … cosplay? In an effort to convince more people to wear masks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently added Star Wars costumes to the list of approved coronavirus defenses. “While mask wearing has increased substantially nationwide, there are still idiots who just won’t do it,” observed CDC […]

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The Antlion: Doodlebug, Doodlebug, Come out of Your Hole

Doodlebug, doodlebug, Come out of your hole Your house is on fire, And your children will burn. Imagine a predator with a plump abdomen, large jaws and a yuge appetite. Donald Trump? Too obvious. In this case, the honor goes to nature’s real-life Star Wars representation: the antlion. Doodlebug, doodlebug The antlion is a fascinating […]

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Touting ‘Air Force One’ Credentials, Harrison Ford to Run for President

Get off my plane! Fed up with the reality show presidency of Donald Trump, legendary actor Harrison Ford has had enough. Citing his experience playing President James Marshall in Air Force One, the Hollywood star has declared his candidacy for president. “I can no longer stand idly by and watch this totally unqualified con artist […]

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