Mars Issues U.S. Travel Ban and Requests Not to Be Taken to Our Leader

On Thursday, Mars issued a decree barring the United States from all travel to the Red Planet. The ban applies to space probes, the coronavirus and Donald J. Trump. “We don’t want your garbage polluting our dirt,” said Supreme Leader and Imperial Grand Poobah Marvin the Martian. “That includes the space junk you keep sending […]

Read More Mars Issues U.S. Travel Ban and Requests Not to Be Taken to Our Leader

Trump Boasts He Aced ‘Goodnight Moon’ to Fox’s Chris Wallace

During a rambling interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, President Trump attempted to distance himself from presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden by claiming he, alone, can read Goodnight Moon.  The testy exchange began just after the president claimed his administration had defeated the coronavirus and that Americans can go back to living their normal […]

Read More Trump Boasts He Aced ‘Goodnight Moon’ to Fox’s Chris Wallace

Trump Calls the Lincoln Project ‘Lyin’ Lincoln’ in Disastrous Fox Interview

Donald Trump called into Fox & Friends on Wednesday to brag about the ‘unbelievable’ job he’s done as president and to pin a new nickname on presumptive opponent Joe Biden. But when asked for his response to the dozens of searing ads produced by the anti-Trump super PAC The Lincoln Project, his tone grew increasingly dark. […]

Read More Trump Calls the Lincoln Project ‘Lyin’ Lincoln’ in Disastrous Fox Interview