Trump Declares War on Clean Energy, Threatens to Break Wind

After issuing a wild screed against the wind, Donald Trump went further off the rails on Friday. In a largely incoherent interview with The Lucky Rock, the president declared war on renewable energy and vowed he would loudly and repeatedly break wind in order to defeat it. “I’ve broken plenty of harder things than wind,” […]

Read More Trump Declares War on Clean Energy, Threatens to Break Wind

Vindman: Trump Obsessed With Dong During US-North Korea Summit

In addition to corroborating President Trump’s Ukraine extortion scheme, Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman’s impeachment inquiry testimony shed light on the failed US-North Korea summit in Hanoi last February. According to Vindman, Trump spent the entire time making inappropriate comments about the dong — Vietnam’s official currency. Vietnam is thriving like few places on earth. North […]

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Giuliani Tells FBI That Russian Prostitutes Leaked on Trump

As the FBI continues to investigate Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor admitted Russian prostitutes have leaked on the president. “In Russia, they’re everywhere,” observed Giuliani. “You can’t walk the red light district or duck into a brothel without running into one. With Trump, given what he knows, it was inevitable he would eventually be leaked […]

Read More Giuliani Tells FBI That Russian Prostitutes Leaked on Trump

Trump Proposes Technology Panel of Tim Apple, Bill Microsoft and Mark Facebook

President Trump took to the Rose Garden Thursday and announced his plan to combat foreign intervention in American elections. Addressing a coterie of reporters, he proposed assembling a blue ribbon panel of technology leaders, to be chaired by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. “We’re going to ask Tim Apple, Bill Microsoft and Mark Facebook to join […]

Read More Trump Proposes Technology Panel of Tim Apple, Bill Microsoft and Mark Facebook

Taco Bell Closes 16 Locations; Trump Declares National Emergency

After learning that Taco Bell closed sixteen locations in four states, President Trump acted swiftly, declaring his second national emergency in three days. The president further disclosed that thousands of troops were on the ground in Texas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas to restore order. The new national emergency “It’s a disgrace,” said Trump to a […]

Read More Taco Bell Closes 16 Locations; Trump Declares National Emergency

Border Wall Breakthrough: Dems Double Offer to $2

In an attempt to move negotiations forward, Nancy Pelosi held a press conference Saturday to announce Democrats would support federal appropriations of $2 toward President Trump’s cherished border wall. “This is a big concession, a major concession,” declared Pelosi to a throng of reporters on Capitol Hill. “As you’ll recall, I started by offering $1 for […]

Read More Border Wall Breakthrough: Dems Double Offer to $2

Shutdown Update: Dems, GOP ‘Make Hay’ with Wall

After a second straight day of negotiations between the White House and Democratic staffers, both sides expressed optimism that a deal to resolve the showdown over President Trump’s promised border wall was close. “I think we’re almost there,” said Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to a cadre of reporters. “The president insists […]

Read More Shutdown Update: Dems, GOP ‘Make Hay’ with Wall