Incognito Trump Asked Country Bumpkin to Explain Tariffs to Him (Video)

Frustrated with his enablers’ inability to dumb down the explanation of how tariffs work, President Trump took matters into his own hands. Following a sock puppet cabinet presentation by desiccated Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross (as Trump) and advisor Stephen Miller (as Chinese president Xi Jinping) last year, a confused Trump reportedly boiled over in anger. […]

Read More Incognito Trump Asked Country Bumpkin to Explain Tariffs to Him (Video)

Vice President Pence Calls for ‘Dotard’ Trump’s Impeachment

Following a wild week that included Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s stinging press conference, presidential attorney John Dowd’s incriminating transcripts, a new trade war and Donald Trump’s announced re-election kickoff, Vice President Mike Pence clearly had heard enough. In a stunning USA Today interview, Pence joined the growing list of members of Congress calling for the president’s […]

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The Lucky Rock’s Transcript of the Trump-Abe Golf Outing

After a groundbreaking interview with President Donald Trump earlier this year, The Lucky Rock traveled with the president during his round of golf with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. As the president heaped praise upon himself and railed against his opponents, we donned a Montgomery Burns mask and posed as Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. We then […]

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Trump Proposes Technology Panel of Tim Apple, Bill Microsoft and Mark Facebook

President Trump took to the Rose Garden Thursday and announced his plan to combat foreign intervention in American elections. Addressing a coterie of reporters, he proposed assembling a blue ribbon panel of technology leaders, to be chaired by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. “We’re going to ask Tim Apple, Bill Microsoft and Mark Facebook to join […]

Read More Trump Proposes Technology Panel of Tim Apple, Bill Microsoft and Mark Facebook